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l'Amore al tempo del colera 2005
Love in the time of the cholera
Straziami, ma di baci saziami
encausto and photo on canvas cm 100x124 2005
Bacco, tabacco e Venere...
encausto and photo on canvas cm 60x50 2005
encausto and photo on canvas cm 35x50 2005
Cronaca di una morte annunciata
encausto and photo on canvas cm 100x60 2005
A 30" dalla fine
encausto and photo on canvas cm 100x75 2005
Ancora e, per sempre
encausto and photo on canvas dittico, cm 100x60 2005
Belle et Sebastienne
encausto and photo on canvas cm 100x100 2005 collezione privata
Per grazia ricevuta
encausto and photo on canvas cm 70x50 2005 collezione privata
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